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Feng Shui For Beginners - What Is Feng Shui?

  • What is Feng Shui? and "How can Feng Shui benefit me?" You'd think that after more than 17 year of Feng Shui work, I would be able to answer these two questions as easily as a tape recorder. But I still stumble over my answer just as I did when I was first asked. There is no simple answer. It depends on the person's understanding of Feng Shui. If someone is hearing the term Feng Shui, you will need to explain it more than if they have read an article on the topic or even a book. So lets proceed with the first question, "What is Feng Shui?" assuming you are the person hearing about Feng Shui for the very first time.

    Feng Shui, also known as environmental science, is neither a religion nor a cult. Feng Shui has been around for 30 centuries, or 3000 years. It originated in ancient China, and there are at least nine schools of Feng Shui that are practiced worldwide today. Feng Shui can be used to bring harmony and balance into your life. It is not magic, voodoo, or witchcraft. Feng Shui evolved over a long period of time through observation of the surrounding environment and its relationship to life events or your own life. It connects your intentions to your environment and therefore to your higher power. It gives you more control over your environment, and allows you to find balance and happiness. get more info

    Feng Shui is relatively easy to understand and easy to apply, it is not mysterious or restricted or unavailable. Feng Shui has a spiritual nature, rather than an intellectual or physical one. However, both physical and mental "cures" can be used to connect to the power of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is not tied to a religion or really even to a culture; it is connected to universal principals and the laws of cause and effect that govern the universe. Feng Shui is not affiliated to any religious philosophy but relies on the same principles that underlie all of the great religions of the world. It helps us connect with our inner selves and the higher power which governs us. You can manifest your intentions for your life. You can make your use of higher powers as personal as you like. Feng Shui doesn't care about your beliefs, but only your intentions. In this way, Feng Shui is an equal opportunity, opportunity.

    Let's now explain the Feng Shui structure. Feng Shui uses nine categories of "life events" to achieve your goals and intentions. Your physical surroundings are most commonly your house, but you can Feng Shui a room, a desk, a work area, even your garden. Bagua is a pattern or map that organizes the nine categories. These include Health, Wealth, Knowledge and six other categories. Each category or Bagua area has definite supportive and destructive symbols associated with it such as colors, shapes and the elements. The Feng Shui Practitioner uses these symbols in conjunction with the Bagua Map to balance a person's environment thereby balancing their lives. The key to accomplishing this is to understand the relationships of the nine Bagua areas and properly apply the Feng Shui cures to clarify you intentions. Feng Shui can be viewed as the ultimate tool for setting goals, but with some added bonuses. feng shui

    So that's kind of the tip of the iceberg so to speak of the Feng Shui world. These concepts are accompanied by a number of details, processes and practices. When a new person first starts to learn about Feng Shui, they can become easily overwhelmed. With a little patience, and good instructions it starts to become clear and useful pretty quickly. I have been associated with Feng Shui over 17 years now. I was initially expose to it at a two hour adult education seminar and since then have read many books and articles, communicated with countless other practitioners, achieved a Masters Rating and used Feng Shui as a source of income for about the last 15 years.